I thought 2012 was a pretty great year for movies, but what could possibly be even more exciting is 2013. Goddamn there looks like a ton of great stuff in store for this year. This isn't even all the movies I'm looking forward to, but I figured I had to cap a limit somewhere. These have no specific order to them, but here are the ones I'm the most enthusiastic about:
The Place Beyond the Pines
This one's already made the rounds around festivals and has had a pretty immense reaction so far. This is Derek Cianfrance's follow up to Blue Valentine, once again starring Ryan Gosling - and it's fair to stop right there. Sold.
I've never disliked a Chan-wook Park film, and I've seen them all. This is his first english speaking film, and it looks terrifying. Nicole Kidman looks properly disturbing, Mia Wasikowska is always great, and Matthew Goode seems effectively creepy. SO excited. This one is currently in theaters, but not out by me yet.
Don Jon's Addiction
After a banner 2012 year, Joseph Gordon Levitt is looking to top it with his directorial debut. And dammit, I want this to be great. I only want him to succeed in every facet of life, that's how much I love JGL. I've also heard almost all positive things so far, so I feel good about it.
Before Midnight
So far this franchise has been producing one movie per decade, which I'm not sure has ever been done before - but how fucking cool is that? This same trio of people (Julie Delpy, Ethan Hawke, and Richard Linklater) reunite once every ten years and makes a great movie? I love the first two, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset - so I have nothing but high hopes for this one as well.
Only God Forgives
Once again, Ryan Gosling reuniting with a director whose partnership produced an impossibly tremendous film. This time it's Nicolas Winding Refn, and Drive was one of my favorite movies of the last few years. So yeah, more than a little excited for this one.
Hey, haven't heard from Danny Boyle in awhile - what's he been up to? This movie, I guess. Danny Boyle is one of the weirdest directors ever. Like I don't think he ever makes the same kind of movie twice - which leads to great things, but also to extreme inconsistency. But I choose to think of the Danny Boyle who did Trainspotting and 28 Days Later, and this movie kind of reminds me of a much lesser known movie he did called Shallow Grave. I remain cautiously optimistic about this one.
The Wolf of Wall Street

THIS SOUNDS AWESOME. A Scorcese/DiCaprio pairing is pretty much an unbeatable combination, and it just sounds like the sort of thing that both of these men would absolutely obliterate. In a good way.
The Great Gatsby
Hey again, Leo! Remember when I wrote about this one in my 2012 write-up? Sheesh.
Evil Dead
I never would have imagined I would be looking forward to an Evil Dead remake, but once I saw the trailer... I mean goddamn. It just looks absolutely horrifying. The original(s) are among the all-time best in the genre, but in a mainly campy way. This one looks truly terrifying in every way. Best part is the involvement of Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, so it's comforting to know it's still in good hands.
Twelve Years a Slave

I know, I know. It's like, didn't we just have an epic slave movie last year? But guys, this one is directed by Steve McQueen (not that Steve McQueen), whose last movie Shame was, again, one of my favorites of the last few years. And you need to check the cast on this movie because it's absolutely off the charts loaded with amazing people.

This one I'm super excited for, mainly because I've read the book it's based on, and it was without question one of the best books I've read in years. This one is being directed by Alexandre Aja, who is tremendous. And in such an unexpectedly weird, yet somehow awesome bit of casting is Daniel Radcliffe. Kid seems determined on picking the weirdest roles imaginable post-Harry Potter, and I love this guy. Like JGL, I want nothing more than to see this kid succeed in whatever he does. Very high hopes for this one.

A Spike Jonze movie starring Joaquin Phoenix? ABOUT. DAMN. TIME.
Spring Breakers
This can go either way. Actually, my god, this seems like it will go EVERY way, but I choose to believe it will be awesome. If I wasn't aware Harmony Korine is directing this, I doubt there's any way I would be interested - but he is, so I definitely am.
The Bling Ring
I'm not huge on Sofia Coppola. I want to be, ugh I really want to be, because I see what she's doing... and I want to support her, and girl power and everything - but I usually end up like "UGH STOP WHYYY would you do that???" I used to love The Virgin Suicides, but ultimately don't think it holds up, and words cannot express how much I hated Somewhere. But because of Lost in Translation, which I still think is a great movie - I will try and only go in this one with good intentions. Also my girl Emma Watson is starring, so let's see.
This one is here mainly on the basis of curiosity. Spike Lee remaking a famous Korean movie just sounds like a recipe for insane. This has been talked about for a long time, I'm talking long enough for me to remember Will Smith being attached to star in it. This seems like it will probably be a trainwreck, but I gotta know how it turns out.
Only Lovers Left Alive
This is a Jim Jarmusch hipster vampire movie starring Mia Wasikowska and Anton Yelchin. First off I was just not aware at all that Jarmusch still made movies, I'm not sure why I wasn't aware that he didn't, but there you go. Also what is with Wasikowska and Yelchin and vampire movies? Maybe they don't and I just think they do, but I feel like they're in a lot. Clearly there's a lot of confusion going on on my part.
Inside Llewyn Davis
This just looks fantastic. It looks like all the best things about Coen Brothers movies rolled into a super film. Nothing but excitement.