Friend Requests

I'm not sure anything fascinates me more than getting friend requests from fucking insane people. People you've never met that add you even though your status says that you are "in a relationship". I can't tell if they just like the high friend count? Or do they think this online relationship could blossom into a real life one? These are possibilities I've thought about, but am incapable of understanding.

I don't use myspace that often anymore, I usually log in once or twice every couple weeks, but I enjoy going through my friend requests and messages from these types of people. My favorite one that I've received lately is from a guy who refers to himself as "SaMe ShIt DiFFeReNt DaY!!!"

This is his "About Me" section, verbatim: "ok u wanna know about me well its really hard 4 me 2 trust females cause they play a shit load of head games so idk what else 2 say but fuck everyone even you !!!" His favorite music is hip hop and R&B and "none of that rock an roll shit". His favorite film is "The Day After Tomorrow". I had no idea it was possible for that to be anyone's favorite movie. When asked his favorite book, he responds: "who the fu*k has time 2 read a fuckin bull shit ass book when i can watch the fuckin movie about it". He also has his own name tattooed on him, pictures that he drew of girls eating each other out (they weren't bad sketches either), and pictures that he took of himself smoking weed.

I think this guy might be "the one".

I want to clear up that I'm in no way making fun of online dating. I think sites like and eHarmony are fucking cool. There's absolutely no shame in trying to find someone that you can have a connection with even for like, a second. Everyone deserves an entire lifetime of those seconds. I am, however, making fun of the people who are clearly not interested in this, and go about life (and myspace) the way SaMe ShiT DiFfferent DAyyy does.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 21, 2009. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Friend Requests”

  1. hahahaha. I literally lol-ed at that and I think 'same shit different day' friended me on myspace as well, but once i saw the caps lock on and off, i automatically declined lol
